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This page is dedicated to pictures of club meetings, outings and members cars, memorabilia or other Corvair related pictures. It will be updated on a regular basis.

October 2, 2001 -  DACC Meeting

Being National Drive Your Corvair Day, we had thirty plus cars show up for our meeting. We met at the Royal Oak Senior Citezens Center as usual. Instead of the normar meeting we all cruised Woodward down to Nine Mile Road then up to Square Lake road and then back to Thirteen Mile for Dinner. A good time was had by all.
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September 4, 2001 -  DACC Meeting

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August 7, 2001 -  DACC Meeting

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July 3 2001 -  DACC Meeting

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May 1 2001 -  DACC Meeting

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April 3 2001 -  DACC Meeting

The  return of spring brought out nine cars. Two came late and are not seen here. As you can see it was still a little chilly so we used a 140 to warm our hands. During the meeting Ken Hand brought us up to speed on the new Homecoming site near Metro Airport and the progress of our work in getting a national convention for Detroit.
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