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This page is dedicated to pictures of club meetings, outings and members cars, memorabilia or other Corvair related pictures. It will be updated on a regular basis.

May 7, 2002  DACC Meeting

We had our first meeting at the Silver Lake Golf Club in Waterford. Fine food was served by the restraunt and we had a special area to park our cars. Several of our members brought in samples of their other hobbies. They each told us their hobby. It looks like we will continue meeting here monthly (first Tuesday of each month). Come early see the cars then enjoy dinner with your friends.

I suffered a major diaster and lost 60 some pictures I took at the meeting. These were the only ones recovered. Maybe it was because two pictures were taken of me and I broke the camera.
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July 2, 2002  DACC Meeting

Once again we met at the Silver Lake Golf club and had a judged car show. This was to help train judges for the Homecoming in August. Another judging is expected at the August meeting.
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